With a population of 11 million, Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere with over 60% of the population lives below the poverty line.

We are committed to providing opportunities for the people of Haiti to experience all that LIFE has to offer, regardless of ability, disability, wealth, or status.

How do we tackle the orphanage crisis?

In a country where orphanages use relinquished children for profit, we equip and empower families to stay together.
We provide programs and resources that encourage and assist mothers and fathers to raise their children as a family. We remind parents that God trusted them to raise their children and the best LIFE they can offer a child is one in a loving family, not an institution.
Our monthly in-home feeding assistance program provides one meal a day for a family. Rather than showing up to our facility to receive meals, the in-home model allows the parents to be the heroes, not myLIFEspeaks. Families can cook, eat, and fellowship together as a family in their home without the stress of not knowing if/when their next meal will come from.

Our LIFE Clinic Haitian healthcare professionals provide affordable and quality treatments and rehabilitation services for patients while teaching them about getting and staying healthy through good hygiene, proper nutrition, risks of dehydration, and more.
2. health

Our integrative school, LIFE Academy, is passionate about providing a higher level of learning and a safe place for special needs and typically developing children to learn and grow together.
3. education

Our Bel Ewo (Beautiful Hero) support group is a Haitian-led group for parents of children with special needs. Because people with special needs are considered cursed and often discarded, Haiti does not give proper resources on how to care for a child with special needs. Bel Ewo teaches parents how to care for their child and encourages parents to keep their family together.
4. support groups