Public Health at myLIFEspeaks is changing the culture of Haiti when it comes to seeking help for medical issues. myLIFEspeaks is committed to creating a sustainable and lasting impact on Public Health standards in Haiti by providing education about preventative health measures, easy access to quality and affordable healthcare, and rehabilitation services.
LIFE Clinic, located on the myLIFEspeaks campus and staffed with Haitian healthcare professionals, provides affordable and quality treatments for patients while teaching them about getting and staying healthy through good hygiene, proper nutrition, risks of dehydration, and more.

Public Health initiatives are also integrated into myLIFEspeaks Family Empowerment and Education programs and services to increase Public Health awareness and education in children and families.
For example, Feeding and Nutrition Programs for school aged children, Pre-natal and Education classes for expectant and nursing mothers, and affordable access to Physical and Occupational Therapies at LIFE Therapy Clinic for people in the commUNITY and surrounding areas.
Each of these services and outreach efforts works together to impact healthcare in Haiti now and in the future.
Feeding Program for 150+ school aged children receiving 1 healthy and nutritious meal 5 days a week.
Feeding/Education/Pre-natal Care Program for pregnant and nursing mothers 5 days a week.
LIFE Clinic provides basic health care at little or no cost to children in our care and the people of Neply and surrounding communities. The Clinic has a functioning pharmacy and is staffed with Haitian healthcare professionals including - 1 Nurse Practitioner/Mid-Wife, 2 Doctors, and 5 nurses.
LIFE Therapy Clinic provides Physical and Occupational therapy for children in myLIFEspeaks care and children and adults from surrounding communities.
Education, Feeding, and Mentoring programs for at-risk teens in the Redemption 72:14 Program.
LIFE 46:4, an elderly program based on Isaiah 46:4, meets once a week to practice cognitive activities such as coloring, games, crafts, and lettering, participate in a Bible devotional, and do Zumba among other fine and gross motor activities. Participants' vitals are also checked for medical/therapy clinic referrals.