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commUNITY development

Bel Ewo

Bel Ewo (Beautiful Hero) is a support group for parents who have children with special needs. Bel Ewo was started by a student who was doing a doctoral project and began with only 5-8 parents attending regularly. The group is completely Haitian-lead and has flourished to 12-14 parents regularly. 


Bel Ewo is biblically based and teaches from curriculum, books, and bible studies specifically for parents who have children with special needs.  These parents are Beautiful Heroes!

Zanmi Pou Lavi

Zanmi Pou Lavi (Friends For Life) was created to build lasting mutual friendship between someone with a developmental or physical disability and someone without a disability.  According to the World Health Organization,  About 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability.  These people are often discriminated against and are segregated from the rest of society, leaving them feeling abandoned and lonely.  In Haiti, this is especially a problem, since often disabilities are tied to voodoo curses. It is very rare to have someone with a disability being a contributing member of society here in Haiti.  It is also very rare to see someone with a disability have a legitimate mutual friendship/relationship. Zanmi Pou Lavi continues to create a culture in Haiti in which people with disabilities are valued by showing the love of Christ and glorifying Him through lasting mutual friendships of people with and without disabilities. 

Redemption 72:14

Redemption 72:14, based from Psalm 72:14, is our At-Risk Teen Program providing tutoring, mentorship, and intentional Christ-centered relationships for a brighter future for our commUNITY’s youth. It extends to include indentured child slaves and at-risk teens by empowering them with skills to propel them to a brighter future.


'He will rescue them from oppression and violence,
    for precious is their blood in his sight.'

-Psalm 72:14

(Elderly Program)

LIFE 46:4

LIFE 46:4 was created for the elderly in our village who are often forgotten or neglected. Elderly program meets once a week to work on cognitive activities such as coloring, games, numbers/letters, and Bible devotionals. The members of the elderly program love to participate in Zumba and other motor-skilled activities.


We offer health care, nutrition, and social programming and also check their vitals and screen them for LIFE Clinic, LIFE Therapy and feeding program referrals.

P.O. Box 1678
Spring Hill, TN 37174


(629) 292-8302

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myLIFEspeaks is a 501 (c) (3) and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extend of the law.

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