
Jun 23, 20211 min

LIFE Clinic: Treating physical wounds, ailments while pointing to Ultimate Healer

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

Every week LIFE Clinic treats 110+ patients for everything from health and wellness concerns, burns, wounds, motorcycle accidents, medical emergencies, or chronic conditions.

Additionally, on average around 60 of the patients have lab work done at LIFE Clinic Lab as well. Our Haitian doctors and nurses treat children, adults, and those with special needs daily with the love and care of Jesus Christ.

LIFE Clinic staff prays over each and every patient while they treat them, sharing the hope that we have in the ultimate Healer, Jesus Christ, as they bind up physical wounds and needs.

We are inspired daily by the selfless love of our LIFE Clinic staff who pour their hearts into serving the physical, spiritual, and mental needs of patients each and every day.

Their lives speak and their work glorifies the Lord in big ways.
