
Mar 25, 20222 min

Fritz's Story: A Father's Love And An Opportunity For Education

Updated: May 18, 2022

Fritz is 10 years old and has been a part of LIFE Academy since 2018. He is a member of myLIFEspeaks' peer-to-peer buddy program, Zanmi Pou Lavi, that pairs typically developing and special needs peers together in Christian friendship. Fritz has also participated in Night to Shine Haiti for the past several years.

Fritz is from an area up the road from Neply called Gressier. He is an only child and is being raised by a single father. His father was unable to find a school for Fritz in Gressier that would be able to meet his special needs. At that time, Fritz struggled with his speech and was considered nonverbal. The school he was enrolled at asked him to leave due to this learning difference. Fritz’s father knew how important school was for his son and searched frantically for a school that would accept Fritz for who he was.

Fritz (middle) and two of his classmates with their fathers.

Fritz’s father happened to know one of our teaching assistants at LIFE Academy but didn’t know she taught at a school that educated children, both typically developing and special needs. They made the connection and got Fritz enrolled at LIFE Academy immediately in special education.

When Fritz started at LIFE Academy, he was very shy and reserved. He didn’t know any other students or teachers. However, over the past four years, Fritz has had the opportunity to develop skills that meet his specific social, emotional, and intellectual needs; helping him grow and flourish. Today, he has many friends in both special education and general education classes.

Our LIFE Academy staff has been able to modify and creatively develop an individualized plan for Fritz which has, in turn, created a vibrant, smart, and confident young boy.

Fritz is now in 2nd grade and has moved from special education to general education at LIFE Academy. He continues to expand his knowledge and progress into the perfect plan God has for him!
